Thursday, 9 May 2013

born into brothels

Part A - Answer the following questions:
1)      What did Zana describe as the reason for giving the cameras to the children in the beginning of the documentary, i.e.: why didn't she just take the photographs herself?

She let children take the pictures instead of herself because, they wanted to know how to use a camera and she wanted to see the world through their eyes.

2)      Why is the photographer's point of view or unique voice part of what we consider when we talk about pictures? Can't we simply judge all pictures by the same criteria of good and bad regardless of who took them?

The photographers point of view is a unique part of what we consider when we talk about pictures because, we really don’t know what it’s like being these kids, we have an idea but, in reality we have no idea what it’s like for them to be living in the brothels in such bad conditions. I really is incredible how much they love it and catch on so easily.

3)      Reflect on what Avijit first says about painting: “I like to draw pictures because I want to express what’s on my mind…I want to put my thoughts into colors.” What does this tell us about him?

It tells us he’s naturally very artistic and that it’s Avijits passion in life.

4)      Throughout this lesson, the term ‘personal expression’ is used to refer to art, sports, writing, and other activities. How would you define personal expression? How are photography, painting and writing forms of personal expression?

I would define it as something you use to get rid of feelings you have, it helps make it feel “resolved/dealt with” and also expresses who you are.  Photography, painting and writing really shows how you’re feeling.  In photography can express what you like and are interested in for example I like animals so I take many pictures of animals.  When you paint you can put certain colors of what you’re feeling, for example if you are mad or depressed you can paint with darker colors to express how you’re feeling.  Writing really lets it all out because it wouldn’t be a hidden feeling you can write a journal to tell how you’ve been feeling and what’s going on in your life. 

5)      How can art (personal expression) serve as a means of educating others about a particular issue?

It can show the expression of a person such as Ludwig Beethoven. He was deaf but still just with feeling he could express himself with his piano. You can tell just by his music that he was an angry man because of his music. With the Mona Lisa it looks depressing and calm, so I think it shows how the person was feeling. I can relate myself in a lot of it because if I’m sad, mad, hurt or hyper/happy/upbeat ill draw or paint how I feel usually just to let it out. I find the arts more of a place to express who you are which I find very important for someone to do, that’s what I think the arts serves in education in an issue, expression.


Part B- Critique
In the first critique I had you complete I encouraged you to only look at the physical qualities of the pictures. This time I would like you to do a TWO part critique.
Visit this Kids with Cameras Gallery and look at the pictures, notice the links at the bottom of the page are for locations other than India where this project has taken place.

i)                    Select what you believe are the 2 most beautiful images based on traditional photography standards (Nice contrast, appealing colours and textures, clear focal point etc...) And in a sentence for each explain why you like them.
I like this picture because, it shows how little they need to be happy in this life. They grew up in such bad conditions and even though so much in their life was so bad they’re so happy, appreciative and grateful for the simplest things.
I find this picture beautiful because of how creative it is. They’re walking down the street dressed as skeletons. You really don’t see anything like this around we live and I just find it so creative and meaningful. I think it’s meaningful because it’s like they’re the walking dead. They government doesn’t care enough to help them out so they’re living in bad conditions and they’re walking around dressed as skeletons. I think there’s a meaning for them wearing that in my opinion, because I don’t think anyone would wake up randomly with a friend or family member and say “hey lets dress like skeletons today because we’re just that cool.”

ii)                   Select what you believe to be the most effective pictures at conveying a message or educating you about the issue of human rights abuses. And in a sentence for each explain why you chose them.
I think this picture affective for me especially because seeing a dog that emaciated it probably has more problems than it looks. Iv seen enough animal rescuing shows to know that this dog will not make it for too much longer even though he’s running around doesn’t mean hes ok.
I found it horrific that children play in such a gross area where there’s garbage everywhere. It’s crazy thinking of how in Canada that’d never be aloud or in the United States! Just so many more modern places wouldn’t allow that kind of garage anywhere near their children. There it’s an everyday life where children play in a contaminated filthy environment.

iii)                Does a picture need to be beautiful to be effective? Does it help?      

They don’t need to be beautiful to be affective. They can be affective if they have meaning behind them, for example the pictures they have in the aspca commercials have a lot of meaning and catch people’s eyes not because it’s something beautiful but because you can see what you’d be saving if you adopted them. Pictures of women badly beaten aren’t beautiful at all, but with the meaning behind it, it can catch someone’s eye and be very effective. That’s just a couple examples of why a picture doesn’t need to be beautiful to be effective, in my opinion.

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