Monday, 22 April 2013

Lighting Questions

Lighting Questions

1) Fill Flash: 
Exposure consisting of a combination of flash and "available light" balanced to produce a pleasing mix of the two.

Bounce Light:
Bounce Flash refers to flash that is bounced off of a ceiling, wall, or other object before it reaches the subject. This is accomplished by pointing the flash at the other object instead of the subject. Many add-on flashes have tilt heads to make this possible while new accessories are available to position mirrors at angles in front of on-camera flash to send the light in another direction.

Ambient Lighting:
The soft indirect light that fills the volume of a room with illumination. It softens shadows on people's faces and creates an inviting glow in the room.


1) What happens to the quality of light from a flash as it gets further away from the subject? 

It makes the whole scene brighter and less focused on the focus of the picture. (a person’s face, animal, fruit, etc)

2) What are three problems with using flash indoors?

-shine /reflection from mirrors
-not enough light exposure for example in a windowless basement or having no lights on makes the photo blurry and unfocused.  
-over exposure from windows

3) What is a suitable situation to use a fill flash?

Fill flash would be suitable in many places such as when the sun is setting and makes a lot more shadows and darkens everything else in the picture as well.

4) When shooting outside where should the sun be in relation to the photographer so that the subjects face is well lit?

It should be taken from the front of someone/the object

5) What are the ways that you can soften light so that isn't too harsh?

Change the angle at which you are taking the picture, move your body or camera so it doesn’t glare/shine.

Jessica Taylor

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